Find an Expert Witness

Forensic, General & Medical
Expert Witnesses

Listing Form

Expert Witness

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  • There is a timeout of 20 minutes. Please save this form before the timeout. You will be able to update your information after saving the listing.
  • Please take a moment to read our Editorial Guidelines
  • Listings are reviewed by our Team before posting.

Person in Charge of the Listing
The following information is not displayed on the listing

Contact Person to Receive Leads

Your User ID and Password

Please use only one word without space for your User ID and password.

Your User ID and Password may contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) and the following characters (!#?$%&@-_).
Your Password should be between 6 and 20 characters long. It is case sensitive

General Information About Your Activities
Please provide your website where your expert witness services are clearly stated.
Social network links (Linkedin, Facebook, etc) are not considered a valid URL.

Please use only standard capitalization such as "Name of Your Company".

Headline Title of Your Company's Listing*

The title should describe your main business activity.

Examples of titles in listings

  • Computer Forensic Expert Witness
  • Clinical and Forensic Psychiatrist
  • Metallurgy & Failure Analysis Expert Witness
  • eteorological and Environmental Expert Witnesses
  • Accounting Expert Testimony
  • Legal Nurse Consultants
  • Forensic Ballistics Examinations Expert
  • Systems Analyst Expert Witness

Office Address*

Areas of Expertise

Services Provided

Are you an Expert Witnesses?
Are you a Forensic Expert?
Speaker Bureau: Are you available to speak?

Medical and Health Experts

After submitting this first part of the registration form, you will find a list of 600 medical specialties to choose from.

Non Medical Experts

Select your areas of expertise in this list and create your own areas of expertise at the bottom of this section (No Medical Specialties).

Premium Listings are $295/year for up to 50 areas of expertise, plus 6 additional areas of expertise. If you wish to select up to 500 areas of expertise, the price is $550/year. In this case, please check the box "Expert Organization and Locator" below.

Create up to 6 additional areas of expertise in the following fields. - Maximum 2 words in each field – No medical areas of expertise.
Important: Each word should appear with a capital letter (example: Electronic Evidence). Do not use /,& or other characters in the fields.

Please do not add medical areas of expertise. More than 600 medical areas of expertise to choose from will appear in the next page after submitting this form.

Litigation Support Services
If your clients are law firms, lawyers, corporate legal counsel or the courts, please check the following boxes to be listed in our Litigation Support Directories.

Save This Form
Payment instructions for Premium listings will appear after submitting this form. If you wish to post a free Basic listing in our directories, simply ignore the payment process.

Note: If you are a "Medical and Health Experts" and checked the Medical Expert box, you will be able to select your areas of expertise after submitting this form.

BY SUBMITTING THIS FORM YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU ARE AUTHORIZING HG.ORG TO PUBLISH YOUR INFORMATION AND THAT YOU OWN THE COPYRIGHT OF THE DESCRIPTIONS, LOGOS AND PHOTOS POSTED ON YOUR WEBSITE. screens all listing applicants for validity and reserves the right to refuse to post your listing or to remove your listing, at our discretion.

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