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Expert Witnesses

Articles by Expert Witnesses

Construction Expert Witnesses Explain Why Balconies Collapse

Balcony collapses often lead to severe injuries or death when someone is on the ledge when the accident occurs. With the help of a construction expert witness, it may be possible to discover why this incident happened and if there is a liable party.

Psychiatric Expert Witness on Capacity Issues

When making a will, it is important for the estate owner to have a sound mind so that the document has less chances of being challenged on this basis. For these processes, a psychiatric expert witness is necessary to explain how the person was of sound mind before death when drafting the will or last testament.

Using a Forensic Scientist as an Expert Witness

Forensic science is useful when criminal or civil court cases arise from various complications. With the assistance of a forensic scientist expert witness, it may be possible to determine multiple factors, who is liable for damages and what occurred during the incident.

Using a Journalism Expert Witness in Civil Cases

Journalism expert witnesses are hired when there are certain complications with the freedom of speech or when more information is needed in a case. These professionals have experience in investigations, due diligence with reporters and geographical systems which may be applied to a claim.

Expert Witness Explains Baby Powder Risks

Baby powder use harms children and women when inhaled directly or while being topically patted in place. The minute particles lodge inside the lungs and may cause cancer to those that inhale or ingest the dust from this product.

Expert Witness Explains Modern Police Practices in Civil Litigation

Police practices come under scrutiny when arrests are made. When the activity may require more force than usual, injury occurs or an action goes against what has been perceived as the law, civil litigation may be the end result and an expert witness may be needed to explain these practices to the court.

Expert Witness Explains Defective Brakes and Product Liability Standards

Defective brakes and other machine malfunctions within vehicles is serious for drivers and passengers. When injury or death is the result of these complications, it is important to hire an expert witness that is able to explain the standards for product liability and why these incidents are important in the courtroom.

Advanced Expert Witness Legal Strategy Techniques

Hiring an expert witness is necessary for many cases where evidence needs to be explained, to connect the proof gathered to one or the other party and in detailing certain factors of the case to the judge or jury.

401(k) Pension Litigation Draws Wins and Losses

Lawsuits over 401(k) fees have increased since 2016, according to recent news reports. As a result of the claims alleged in these ERISA litigation matters,several retirement industry practices have come under scrutiny and criticism.

Underfunded Police Pensions Strain U.S. Cities

The financial burdens presented by police pension plans are drawing national attention. Municipal retirement funds for police and firefighters have set aside only a median 71 cents for every dollar needed to cover future liabilities, according to a recent Wall Street Journal article titled “Police Pensions Put Cities in Bind.” Nationwide, police pension plans are reportedly underfunded by more than $80 billion.

Strong Thesis Leads to Clear-Cut Opinion in John Steinbeck Estate Trial

Provided by: Kathryn Arnold
Serving as an expert on the John Steinbeck Estate trial (Waverly Scott Kaffaga, as Executor of the Estate of Elaine Anderson Steinbeck, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas Steinbeck, Gail Knight Steinbeck and The Palladin Group, Inc. Case No. 14-CV-08699 TJH FFMx) this past year was both complicated and clear-cut.

Dangerous Stairways Can Lead to Falls and Even Fatalities

Stairway accidents are a major contributor to personal injury lawsuits. There are numerous building and housing code regulations related to proper stairway construction, lighting and maintenance. Non-compliance with those codes could lead to serious injuries and even fatalities, leading to potential lawsuits.

Fall Protection in Construction: Commercial v. Residential, There IS a Difference

Changes in OSHA fall protection regulations in recent years were made in recognition of the fundamental differences between commercial and residential construction sites.

Residential Construction Faces Unique Safety Hurdles

Residential constructions sites can vary from commercial construction sites. As a result, fall protection requirements can also vary. What may be safe on one, may be dangerous on the other.

Residential v. Commercial Fall Protect - Case Examples

Two serious construction accidents cause serious injury to construction workers. In one case, the worker was wearing a safety harness but was not "tied off", causing serious injury. In another case, the injury was caused because the worker WAS "tied off".

Most Important Qualities of a Human Factors Expert Witness

A human factors expert witness is someone hired to assist with cases where there is a need to understand the awareness, attention and disruption, learning and recollection, fatigue, and hazard perceptions of one or more individuals. Through this professionals’ insight, it may be possible to understand the motives and reasons for the crimes or injury caused.

Importance of Using a Medical Oncology and Hematology Expert Witness

When someone has contracted cancer or has a blood disorder, he or she may be victim of a medical malpractice claim. This usually means that an expert in these matters needs to be hired to assist with evidence, medical procedures, processes and treatment as well as to assist in understanding how the injuries or further healthcare issues may have occurred.

Legal Strategy: Tips in Producing Courtroom Videos

Simple tips on how you can produce effective courtroom videos that will be beneficial to your cases.

Vertebrae Injuries that Occur During Newborn Delivery Explained by Expert Witness

Medical malpractice often needs the assistance of an expert witness due to the complexities and medical procedures that occur during surgery and other processes. When the vertebra is damaged during a newborn delivery, someone with a healthcare background should be hired to assist with the investigation and understanding of evidence.

Medical Expert Witness Explains What Lawyers Must Understand about Informed Consent

It is often necessary to hire an expert witness so that the judge or jury is able to understand certain aspects of a case or the evidence connected to it. However, some may become part of the proceedings so that certain persons are made aware of elements such as informed consent which requires more than simply obtaining permission for something specific.

Expert Witness on Whether Claimant is Malingering

When an expert witness is hired, he or she is usually part of the proceedings to prove or explain some aspect of the case that others are unable to comprehend. When a claimant may be malingering, the expert could prove this is true or false based on the factors surrounding the claim.

Expert Witness Explains Damages Associated with Scars

Scar tissue has the potential to cause problems for someone when he or she must undergo surgery, after a procedure has been completed and at other times when healthcare processes are necessary. When damage has been caused or sustained due to scar and scar tissue, it often takes an expert witness to explain this to the judge or jury.

Criminology Expert Witness Explains Application of Forensic Sociology in Civil Cases

Cases that involve the need for forensic sociology usually have various applications, processes and methods derived from the hired criminology expert witness. Understanding these and how they are needed for civil litigation is necessary for a lawyer to research the experts available and pick the proper one for his or her case.

Automotive Expert Witness Explains Problems that Should Not be Overlooked

When an incident occurs with vehicles on the road, in traffic or while the person is driving, he or she may not be at fault. There are many problems that could exist that may require the assistance of an automotive expert witness who is hired to explain which issues should not be overlooked.

Understanding Deleted Files and What They Mean

Attorneys who need to read and understand reports by computer forensics professionals and/or who need to present recovered files as evidence should understand how files are stored on computers and mobile devices, what happens when they are deleted, how they can be recovered, and know the limits on file recovery.

Expert Witness Explains Complications Involved in Kidney Stone Surgery

Medical procedures are fraught with difficulty even in the best circumstances. This means an expert witness should be hired to explain these matters and how they affect the victim of healthcare procedures for compensation, resolution to injury and moving forward from the incident.

Expert Witness Describes Best Practices when Designing a Warning Label

Warning labels are crucial for understanding the limits and restrictions of how products and items may be used. Without these items, someone could be injured, and this makes an expert witness important to cases so they are able to explain how the best practices exist and why these are imperative when designing and using warning labels.

Differentiating between Different Types of Nurses to Select an Expert Witness

When choosing to hire an expert witness, the lawyer needs to evaluate the case and determine what type of nurse is needed based on the subject matter, the specifics and the evidence presented. This means a different nurse may be required for different claims and situations.

What Factors Influence Jurors when Evaluating the Testimony of Expert Witnesses

Expert Witness testimony usually has a steep basis in fact, method and process with scientific data and other evidence as a foundation. This may influence how the jurors evaluate the testimony, but other factors may exist that alter their perceptions.

How to Work with a Construction Expert Witness in Complex Litigation

Expert witness selection is important for cases with complex litigation. For this, it is often imperative to hire someone specialized in the field of study or subject in the courtroom, and this may provide a better chance at success when testimony assists the plaintiff in seeking compensation.

Financial Reports Prepared by Expert Witnesses: Anatomy and Application

Financial expert witnesses evaluate and prepare the reports dealing with financial matters. They are able to understand the specifics, apply various elements to the reports and assist the judge or jury in comprehending the more complicated matters that pertain to the case.

Viral Videos Challenging the Enforcement of Copyrights

In an effort to move United States copyright law into the digital age, Congress passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) in 1998. The DMCA is the beginning of an ongoing effort to modernize the nation’s copyright law. In an ever-changing digital world, copyright law must continue to evolve with technology.

Voir Dire of Expert Witnesses

Qualifying an expert witness for a case is crucial in keeping his or her testimony admissible. This means going through several processes so that the professional may be considered an expert witness, and the initial questioning before the judge is successful.

Expert Witness Testimony in Interpretation of Building Code Cases

Building codes may require some interpretation for cases where someone has been injured or killed. This means an expert witness in building codes is hired usually to assist with testimony and an understanding about this bit of evidence for the claim.

Expert Witness Evaluation Regarding Perinatal Malpractice Cases

Perinatal malpractice cases are often discovered through the keen use of procedures performed on the placenta and residue to reveal what caused the damage to mother, child or both. With the assistance of an expert witness, it may be easier to prove that the doctor was guilty of malpractice in these situations.

The Importance of Expert Witness Retainer Agreements

Getting an agreement in writing is important in all aspects of life. However, there are certain situations in which this is extremely important. One such situation is when an expert witness is retained by a lawyer, business or private party.

Using an Expert Witness to Establish Damages in Business Defamation Case

If defamation has occurred against a business, it may take steps to recover damages for the harm done to its reputation. An expert witness may be able to provide information about the availability of damages and the extent of damages. This information may be shared with the business as part of a consultation or as testimony provided during court.

Expert Witness Explains Hotel Liability for Negligence of Franchisee

Hotel owners and franchisees have a relationship that benefits the brand behind the hotel. However, when the franchisee engages in activity that may lead to litigation, the hotel could be liable for these actions and an expert witness may be needed for the court case.

Selling Away: Broker-Dealer Liability for Selling Away Transactions

In the securities brokerage industry, "selling-away" refers to the prohibited practice of an Associated Person soliciting the sale of securities or investment products not approved with the broker is affiliated without prior written consent. In many instances, promoters of these products are marketing them as non-securities products that do not have to be sold through a broker-dealer by a registered person.

Preventing Complications in Patients Receiving Opioids

Do you know what opioid-naïve means? What about opioid-tolerant? If you don’t know the definitions of these terms, you need to learn them—because a patient’s history of opioid use (or lack thereof) has important implications for nursing care.

Railroad Accident Expert Witness Describes How Accidents Occur

Railroad incidents often occur when someone is not paying attention to the warning signs available. However, these complications may involve other factors that require an expert witness to describe in the court room for the judge or jury panel.

Pharmacologist Expert Witness on Warning Label Defects

Expert witnesses are needed most often when there is an aspect about a case that needs clarification for the judge or jury. In pharmacology cases where there are defects in warning labels, these experts are uniquely qualified in detailing the effects that these defective labels may cause in the health of the public either for an individual or a group.

Managing Risks with the Help of Construction Litigation Expert Witnesses

Construction incidents are common due to a variety of factors, but it is when someone is injured that the case becomes serious. This means a construction litigation expert witness is needed to explain evidence, connect the elements together and determine liability and provide the responsible party to the judge or jury.

Attorney-Client Privilege and the Non-Reporting Expert Witness

Lawyers may hire expert witnesses for various types of cases, including cases involving employment issues, intellectual property, engineering or a number of other areas. Sometimes these experts have attorney-client privilege with the lawyer representing the client. However, in other cases this privilege may not exist or may be waived.

Strategies to Disqualify Opponent's Expert Witness

Disqualifying the opponent’s expert witness is often necessary when the case demands progress and additional assistance. However, doing so may be complicated and difficult depending on various factors such as a credible individual with extensive years of experience and knowledge.

Introduction to Fiduciary Duty Expert Witness

Finding the right expert witness is important for cases that have a need for details, connections from evidence and even when the evidence supplied is confusing or is hard to associate with certain aspects of the claim.

How to Quickly and Effectively Select the Right Expert Witness

Hiring the right expert witness for the case is imperative when certain aspects must be explained in a way that the lawyer is unable to do so for the judge or jury.

Pennsylvania Pension Reform Bill Passes

State legislators successfully passed a comprehensive pension reform in Pennsylvania in early June. The new law aims to shift risk away from the taxpayers when it comes to state-funded pensions.

The Important Work Expert Witnesses Do Before Testifying

Expert witnesses accomplish much work before the act of testifying is needed. They work up a report, analyze evidence, connect the incident to certain persons and actions and many other tasks long before they are called in the court room. Many of these professionals adhere to scientific methods to determine certain aspects of a case.

Important Traits in an Effective Orthopedic Expert Witness

Expert witnesses must have experience in the subject of the case. This usually means that someone in the medical field has been hired to explain evidence, injuries and medical processes to the judge or jury. Members of the medical field may be used as consultants for an understanding of the exact procedures used, but the expert witness may be the go between for the lawyer and client.

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