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Articles by Expert Witnesses

Attorney-Client Privilege and the Non-Reporting Expert Witness

Lawyers may hire expert witnesses for various types of cases, including cases involving employment issues, intellectual property, engineering or a number of other areas. Sometimes these experts have attorney-client privilege with the lawyer representing the client. However, in other cases this privilege may not exist or may be waived.

Strategies to Disqualify Opponent's Expert Witness

Disqualifying the opponent’s expert witness is often necessary when the case demands progress and additional assistance. However, doing so may be complicated and difficult depending on various factors such as a credible individual with extensive years of experience and knowledge.

Introduction to Fiduciary Duty Expert Witness

Finding the right expert witness is important for cases that have a need for details, connections from evidence and even when the evidence supplied is confusing or is hard to associate with certain aspects of the claim.

How to Quickly and Effectively Select the Right Expert Witness

Hiring the right expert witness for the case is imperative when certain aspects must be explained in a way that the lawyer is unable to do so for the judge or jury.

Pennsylvania Pension Reform Bill Passes

State legislators successfully passed a comprehensive pension reform in Pennsylvania in early June. The new law aims to shift risk away from the taxpayers when it comes to state-funded pensions.

The Important Work Expert Witnesses Do Before Testifying

Expert witnesses accomplish much work before the act of testifying is needed. They work up a report, analyze evidence, connect the incident to certain persons and actions and many other tasks long before they are called in the court room. Many of these professionals adhere to scientific methods to determine certain aspects of a case.

Important Traits in an Effective Orthopedic Expert Witness

Expert witnesses must have experience in the subject of the case. This usually means that someone in the medical field has been hired to explain evidence, injuries and medical processes to the judge or jury. Members of the medical field may be used as consultants for an understanding of the exact procedures used, but the expert witness may be the go between for the lawyer and client.

What to Look for in a Strong Family Law Expert Witness

Family law requires knowledge of a broad spectrum of subjects such as divorce, child custody and even separation. An expert in these matters is able to provide help in various functions of family law within the legal realm. If a child is in the middle of a custody battle, a family law expert witness may provide the insight into the matter that the judge may not have considered or known previously.

Cardiology Expert Witness and Why Lawyers May Need One

When someone has been involved in medical malpractice with the heart, a cardiology expert witness is often necessary. These professionals have knowledge of what standard guidelines should be used when performing surgery, medical treatment and in prescribing medication. If the physician appointed to the patient did not follow standard procedure, he or she could be liable for damages to the victim of the incident.

Myths Involved in Looking for an Expert Witness

Many individuals believe that an expert is behind every door. Each professional may be used as an expert in almost any case. However, cases are varied, and hiring an expert is an extensive process that requires research and time. Ensuring that an expert is right for the claim and may work well with a lawyer demands a lengthy interview, several questions asked and answered and a rapport between the two parties.

How Expert Witnesses Can Help in Multi-Jurisdictional Litigation

Multi-jurisdictional lawsuits are difficult to defend against and are extremely complicated due to the numerous suits from more than a single jurisdiction. This means that the defending party must prevent conviction more than once, and he or she may need to contact additional legal representation or expert witnesses if the crimes issued are not similar.

Critical Steps to Maintain Strong Relationship with Expert Witness During A Case

An expert witness is needed on many cases to explain evidence, draw a conclusion from the proof provided and to reconstruct the incident when necessary.

How Expert Witnesses Help in Unlawful Collection of Consumer Data Cases

Consumer data is available almost everywhere online. Anyone that visits almost any website leaves a trail of information in his or her wake. However, there are methods employed to collect these details that are considered illegal.

Value of Reports Provided by Expert Witnesses

Experts hired for a case generally provide a report of the incident that includes their conclusions, opinions and different stages of the issue based on evidence and testimony of others. That means that the value of these reports must be great and the quality should be above reproach.

Effective Strategies in Challenging the Opposing Expert Witness

When hiring an expert witness, the lawyer knows that the other counsel may also have an expert witness to counter his or her expert’s claims. Even with scientific data backing the opinion of the professional, there are other methods that may reach a different conclusion.

The Long and Short of It: Why Other Types of Content May Work Better than Normal Blogs

For years, a huge part of marketing for law firms and other businesses has included short blogs that were intended to help their readers/clients/potential customers gain insight and provide answers or information about a particular issue or topic.  Well, in recent months, it seems that times have changed with regard to what type of content is more effective from a marketing standpoint.

Did You Take the Right Photo

Tree failures can have severe consequences. Unfortunately, evidence is often cleaned and removed from an accident making forensic analysis difficult if not impossible. That is why taking effective photographs of a tree failure may provide valuable evidence for forensic analysis to determine the cause of the failure.

How an Expert Witness Can Help in a Data Security Breach Case

Data security is crucial in both keeping information safe and running a business that relies upon online and networked transactions. As more companies are progressing forward through the future in the electronic age, data security and information systems become the most important aspects of a business.

How an Alcohol Expert Witness Can Help in DUI Cases

Drivers that get behind the wheel while intoxicated may run the risk of being pulled over by law enforcement officers. When charged and convicted of these crimes, they have driving under the influence offenses on their record. For many states, the more of these on a person’s record, the worse the penalties become as they progress.

Managing Construction Investigations with the Help of an Expert Witness

Investigations into construction incidents are important. When, where and how someone is injured or killed in an accident determine how much compensation, what penalties and who may be responsible.

Important Aspects of Using Visual Graphics when an Expert Witness Testifies

Expert witnesses are used for a variety of reasons, but they are usually part of a claim or case that needs expertise in a specific field of study or subject where their experience and knowledge aid in determining how to proceed in a case. When they initially join the proceedings, they start with compiling data and processing methods to discover what occurred during an incident.

Expert Witness Explains Home Asbestos Exposure Liability

Cases of asbestos exposure may be complicated due to how long the material has been in the building, who put it there, why it was there and how the exposure occurred. This means that the responsible party for the claim may not exist any longer, or there could be more than one person or company accountable for the physical injury or damage to the home.

Target Date Funds Growing as Share of Pension Investments

Pension plan participants are gradually shifting savings into target date funds (“TDFs”) designed to match their age and investment needs with their ultimate retirement savings goals. Almost one fifth (18.4 percent) of defined contribution assets in the largest 1,000 retirement plans are now invested in target date funds, according to a recent survey published by Pensions & Investments.

Roofing Injuries and Fatality Prevention with the Help of an Expert Witness

When persons are working on the roof, there are many risks to the health and various dangers that could lead to either serious injury or death. If the individual falls through or off the roof, he or she could break bones, suffer soft tissue damage or worse. This could be a wrongful death or liability issue if the person dies or the injuries are extensive enough to need compensation.

Product Liability Expert Witnesses Explain Defects that Cause Tip Overs

Defects in products are a serious problem when entire batches or the design are affected. This could means standard use of the item may lead to injury or even death. When the defect causes an object to tip over, this may cause catastrophic damage. These situations are exacerbated by certain factors and situations.

Federal Regulations May Require Expert Witness Assistance

There are many federal regulations that require the assistance of a professional that understands what these are, how they apply to a situation and why they are used. Additionally, there are certain requirements necessary for an expert witness to be used for a case that involves federal regulations.

Patent Evaluations Completed by Expert Witnesses

Patent evaluations are important to ensure the applications is unique and not the same as previous patents that already exist. This is because a patent for an invention gives the applicant the ability to use it exclusively with a process, product or similar item.

A Case Study on Using Corrosion Analysis in Forensic Engineering

Material failures occur in products due to changes in the original characteristics that prevent satisfactory performance of a functional system for its intended purpose and could produce losses to human life and economic infrastructure. Metals’ characteristics change due to cyclic stress, strain, and corrosion. This paper presents a case study that deal with the application of corrosion fundamentals in the determination of the origin of failures in a metallic part —galvanic corrosion failure in a water supply plumbing system. Metallographic examination, chemical analysis of the parts, and fractography were conducted, and the cause of failures was determined as a galvanic corrosion.

Computer Forensics Expert: The Sedona Conference Proclamation: December, 2014

Sedona Conference published the third edition of the "The Sedona Conference Cooperation Proclamation: Resources for the Judiciary."

The Attorney and the Expert Witness

You have a case in litigation and think you want to hire an expert witness. Before doing so there are some questions you may want to consider before hiring, and once hired, how to deploy the expert witness for your case.

What Does a Damages Expert Witness Do?

There are various types of damages that may be awarded to the victim in a claim for compensation. When the case involves an injury or incident that caused damage of some sort, there are monetary payouts provided to the plaintiff party when the court case is successful.

Railroad Accident Expert Witness Describes Cause of Accidents

Many accidents that harm persons when working or performing job duties may be severe. This often depends on the industry and the equipment or tools used. For railroad workers, these incidents could end in death with the heavy and sharp items most readily available.

When a Real Estate Valuation Expert Witness Is Needed

Real estate matters are important to those that are either selling and buying or seeking investment opportunities. This means that an accurate evaluation or determination of the value of the property must be completed.

Managing Risks and Investigations in Construction Litigation with an Expert Witness

Construction litigation is rife with complications, difficulties, risks and numerous types of investigations. These may be more in number when involved with commercial constructions projects, and injuries are often possible during these incidents.

Expert Witnesses on Drones and Privacy Issues

Drones usually defy privacy, as they are able to fly into the private and persona property of another individual. This means that if the drone is equipped with cameras or a recording device, the conversations of a person over the phone or with another and even groups may be intruded upon.

Employment Discrimination: Expert Witnesses Explain Workplace Discrimination based on Gender Bias

In some situations, an employee may complain of sexual discrimination that is not necessarily sexual in nature. An employee may not be being harassed for sexual favors. Instead, he or she may be harassed because of gender bias or stereotypes. This type of discrimination is also illegal.

Medicare Fraud and Expert Witnesses

Fraud is a serious crime that often affect multiple persons simultaneously. When someone’s personal information has been stolen and used in this manner, he or she may find credit being used, bank accounts empty and numerous other concerns that may alter the life of the victim.

Expert Witnesses Explain Potential Legal Issues with Autonomous Vehicles

The future has arrived, and it is showing the public that it includes vehicles that drive themselves. However, there are various issues that these cars may raise because of injuries, accidents and similar concerns. Many problems with these types of advancements in the world deal with how technology keeps outpacing the law, law enforcement and keeping legal matters settled.

Hurricane Expert Witnesses Provide Testimony in Court

Inclement weather is often difficult to survive, and the more severe it is, the more complicated its issues are to resolve. Many that are not affected by hurricanes, tornados and floods do not understand how assistance and compensation are needed when insurance and other help are not received when they are needed the most.

Rise of Construction Defect Claims and the Role of Expert Witnesses

Construction defect claims increase due to defective parts, materials, substances and similar concerns and have been on the rise. When the goal of the construction project is speed, there are many shortcuts taken that lead to injury and death for workers and those involved in the situation.

Expert Witnesses Explain Damages in Airbag Defect Cases

Airbag defects in vehicles that collide with others may lead to severe injury or death. This may be due to the untimely deployment or the lack of the airbag coming out of the compartment. Other complications arise when the airbag is not created correctly, has materials that are harmful or substances that leak and various other concerns.

Seven Ways to Fine Tune Your Target Marketing

It’s not nearly as difficult to be a great marketer when you are the big fish in the little pond or when in comparison to your competitors, you have unlimited resources at syour disposal. Unfortunately, for the vast majority of law firms – that is simply not the case. Being a great marketer requires doing more with less, finding ways to extend your various initiatives cost effectively and determining the optimal marketing mix.

Expert Witness Explains Roofing Construction Flammability

Construction sites and projects are fraught with potential risks to the health and safety of workers at the site. These dangers are numerous and often occur swiftly with little warning. This may even affect flammable materials and substances. When on the roof, there are several different items that may have the capacity to start a fire. When mixing tools that heat up and electrical equipment, an employee for a construction company may find himself or herself in imminent danger if something lights on fire.

Expert Witness Explains Confined Space Hazards

Confined spaces are dangerous to many individuals for numerous reasons, but when the individual is trapped and unable to exit the location, he or she may become injured or suffer oxygen deprivation and other complications. Industrial and construction areas are frequently full of hazards that could confine a person in a small space if he or she is not paying attention to his or her surroundings.

Lessons from Cases that Use an Expert Witness

It is important to understand what the use of an expert witness is and how best to use these professionals. However, before they may be utilized in court, the lawyer that hires them must carefully choose the right expert to represent an aspect of the case that is relevant and reliable.

Current Trends in Patent Litigation and Expert Witnesses

Litigation due to patent infringement is an ongoing problem, and it tends to rise during certain periods over time. Since 2012, the amount of lawsuits over these issues has been the highest in several decades due to various individuals seeking either the same patents or attempting to reproduce the items of a currently patented creation.

Workplace Litigation Trends and Expert Witnesses

Trends in workplace litigation have been going through increases and decreases based on the year and certain relevant factors. Since changes were implemented in 2016 and 2017, the litigation involving employment has been altered drastically by the United States Supreme Court.

Objections to Make to Expert Witnesses

The testimony of an expert witness is often important to the case, and in some circumstances it is enough to lead a jury or judge to side with the plaintiff. However, there are in many situations certain objections that are made to these professionals for various reasons.

Biomechanics Expert Witness Proves Defects in Seatbelt Cases

Defects occur in almost all manner of products, materials and structures. These problems may exist in designs, a product line or only a batch. However, various defective items cause injuries if the issues pose a risk of danger to someone that is using the object in a standard manner.

Why Litigation Needs an Expert Witness to Explain Details

Litigation is often messy, complicated and difficult to get through for all parties concerned. There are procedures, processes, stages, officials and documentation that all demand perfection or else they could be thrown out.

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