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Evidence Collection for Wildlife Damage Related Cases

Tips for collecting evidence related to wildlife damage management problems and cases.

I have received many requests from individuals looking for help identifying scat, tracks, damage etc. caused by wildlife. While most are not related to pending lawsuits, accurate collection of information and data is critical to proper identification.

What follows is a list of tips to help you make your case in a manner that will allow it to be stand up to scrutiny.

This document will continue to be edited as new information comes to light. Contact the author for additional details and tips.

Principles of Evidence Collection

1. Provide Specific Information

Nothing hinders my assistance more than vague terms. Don't say, "The hole is small" because, while "small: may mean something specific to you, it means little to someone else. After all, small compared to what?

Measure as carefully as you can to the 1/16 of an inch or millimeter.

Provide specific dates and times.

Provide city and state. Detail the habitat in your area. Is it treed, grassy, asphalt, near water, etc.

2. Take Quality Photos

Photos must provide investigators with three key pieces of information.

a. context. Photos should show the setting in which the problem or situation has occurred.

b. details of the incident. Photos must contain sufficient clarity to show what the problem actually is. This means photos must be crisp, well lighted, and containing enough mega-pixels to allow enlargement.

c. permanent record. Photos should contain date and time when taken. Back ups should be made and kept in an off-site location.

3. Elements of Quality Photos

a. Quality photos must be in focus with good lighting and contrast.

b. Close up photos must have standard sized objects in the image (ideally rulers 90 degree rulers) to show scale and to help investigators handle parallax.

c. Photos must be large enough to allow viewers to zoom in for a closer look. Ideally, images 3 mega-pixels or higher are sufficient. Don't get hung up on mega-pixels. The quality of the photo comes first. A poor photo that is 10 mega-pixels won't beat a tack sharp photo at 3 mega-pixels.

Learn how to use your camera before you need it. Remember, digital cameras are set on the lowest setting from the factory. To obtain the largest sized picture, you will likely have to manually change the settings. Don't assume the camera takes the largest photos automatically.

By Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC
Expert Witness Wildlife Damage Management Animal Control
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Stephen M. Vantassel
Stephen M. Vantassel is a Certified Wildlife Control Professional by the National Wildlife Control Operators Association. He is also a staff writer for Wildlife Control Technology magazine and helps the public and businesses resolve wildlife damage complaints. He has been involved in the wildlife damage management industry since 1985.

Copyright Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC

Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide legal advice as individual situations will differ and should be discussed with an expert and/or lawyer.For specific technical or legal advice on the information provided and related topics, please contact the author.

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