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Forensic Expert Witness Describes Speed of Drunk Driver

In drunk driving accidents or during a driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol citation, an expert may need to explain that the speed of the drunk driver was or was not a factor in the incident. Collisions at higher speeds often lead to more severe injuries with more extensive property damage on the road and in traffic.

Drunk drivers are often the cause of accidents on both roads and in traffic. However, the faster or slower they drive, the worse the incidents may become. If they are slowing down or are consistently slow, drivers behind them may attempt to pass them quickly. If the inebriated vehicle operator is swerving or too far over and hugging the line, this could lead to a collision. Additionally, if the intoxicated person is driving far too fast, he or she could collide with another car or an obstacle on the road. Anyone near this individual may face similar damage or injury. An expert may need to clarify these factors to the judge or jury panel.

Slower Speeds with a Drunk Driver

Many inebriated drivers are unable to travel within the lines on the road. Adding the slower speeds many of these individuals may keep, this generally agitates those behind them. If
a single driver is swerving or accelerating and then slowing down, others may attempt to pass him or her as soon as possible to avoid a possible accident. Unfortunately, if the drunk driver is not maintaining the slower speed, he or she could ram into someone that passes him or her. Others may slow down so abruptly or immediately that they run into those behind the car. If the intoxicated person cannot maintain a similar speed, an accident is likely to occur.

Faster Speeds

A forensic expert witness for a drunk driver and his or her speeds will explain that a faster driving inebriated person behind the wheel is often worse than a slower driver. With greater speeds, judgment in what decision to make when facing obstacles, other drivers or similar issues such as construction could lead to disaster. The individual may not turn with a curve and drive right off a cliff. Similarly, he or she could run into others on the road or swerve at the wrong time. It is possible the individual may hug the wrong side of the road and flip the car.

Poor Judgment

The more the individual drinks, the less his or her judgment prevails when needed. He or she may not recognize the turn off for an exit on the freeway until it is too late. Then, he or she may collide with a guardrail or a wall. This person may also swerve back and forth and clip another driver causing damage. If there are many out in traffic, an inebriated driver may collide with one person that leads to a multi-car wreck. The lack of decision making and judging times or distance often leads to more severe harm. Property destruction and injury are often the best scenarios, but death is also likely. The expert who is able to recreate the incident may need to express these details to the courtroom.

Expert Testimony and Disastrous Results

The forensic expert witness in a drunk driving case will need to present testimony about how the speeds of the drunk driver caused the injury or property damage to the plaintiff. The speed usually involves multiple changes from fast to slow. Sometimes the inebriated person will stop without warning. While on backroads, country roads or uninhabited locations in the town or city, this could ensure fewer complications, it is when he or she is in traffic that it often ends in disaster. The changes in speed that are fast or slow often cause other drivers to collide with the intoxicated person. However, if these other drivers do not hit him or her, then the drunk driver usually runs into someone else. His or her inconsistent speeds may also cause him or her to ram into something that leads to an accident later.

The testimony that the forensic expert provides in the courtroom usually explains the recreation of the incident or how the inconsistent speeds are the cause of the collision. Connecting evidence is usually only truly necessary if there are any confusing aspects of the crash. By unraveling any mysterious issues, the expert may ensure that the judge or jury has enough details to deliberate with full knowledge of what occurred with the drunk driver.

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Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide legal advice as individual situations will differ and should be discussed with an expert and/or lawyer.

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