How to Write a Law Firm Marketing Plan
Marketing without a plan is one of the biggest mistakes a law firm can make. This article gives you the key elements to an effective marketing plan for your law firm.
Consider the following questions:
1. Shall we invest $1,000 to sponsor a table at our client's annual industry event?
2. The local Chamber of Commerce is offering a special rate of $2,500 for a full page ad in their annual membership directory; is this right for us?
3. If we can only do one marketing campaign, what should that be?
Law firm managing partners and marketers are faced with these issues on a regular basis.
The best way to conduct an effective law firm marketing campaign is to start with a detailed plan. You will want to specifically identify your business development goals (# of new accounts, $ in new business by practice area), focus on your target markets, carefully identify the competitive environment, create your "unique selling proposition," and identify the campaigns you plan to implement to generate the new revenue you seek.
We recommend using an integrated marketing campaign featuring many complementary communications channels. For example, you will want to include: speaking engagements, article placement, referral networks, educational seminars, Internet marketing, direct mail, print and online advertising, public relations, updated collateral materials, and potential sponsorships.
By the way, here are the answers to the law firm marketing questions posed above:
1. Yes, this may be a great investment. You will show your support for your client and their industry. Plus you will get some good visibility and networking opportunities. Ask your clients to introduce you to their industry contacts.
2. With all due respect to the Chamber, a one-time print ad placement in anything will generally not be productive. Viewers need to see your ad a minimum of 5-6 times before they start paying attention.
3. The best single law firm marketing campaign you can undertake is marketing to your current and past clients.
By Legal Expert Connections, Inc.
Legal Marketing, Expert Marketing, Attorney Marketing, Lawyer Marketing
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Margaret GrisdelaLegal Marketing, Expert Marketing, Attorney Marketing, Lawyer Marketing
Margaret Grisdela has over 25 years of experience in information management, marketing and operations. Much of her career has been spent collecting and translating large volumes of data into powerful knowledge that drives high performance for publishers and leading businesses.
Copyright Legal Expert Connections, Inc.
Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide legal advice as individual situations will differ and should be discussed with an expert and/or lawyer.For specific technical or legal advice on the information provided and related topics, please contact the author.