Medical Expert Witness How a Traumatic Brain Injury Changes Your Life
Traumatic brain injuries affect victims in severe and serious ways even when the initial injury is mild, moderate, severe and life-threatening.
While the injury itself may only be moderate to severe the damage from the trauma imposed on the victim of these incidents is often must worse. Unfortunately, the extent of these circumstances may not be clear or understandable at first. More testing is often necessary to fully grasp just how much the trauma of the even has harmed the individual. To fully comprehend these situations, a medical expert witness is invaluable to the case.
Hiring an expert witness for any case usually enhances the defensive or plaintiff strategy. However, in instances where someone has been injured, a medical expert witness has the understanding, expertise and knowledge of procedures, areas of the body relevant to the claim as well as an intimate appreciation of how the brain works. This means he or she may explain the details of how the incident placed undue pressure on certain points inside the head that caused various symptoms of arise and lead to an altered life from before the accident. Extensive damage may even leave a victim in a vegetative state for a period of time. Therapy both for physical and metal issues may be part of the recovery process.
Traumatic Brain Injury and the Need for Proof
TBI is often hard to prove without the use of medical professionals. This is because the legal world requires evidence and an understanding of what may be occurring with the victim of the incident. When the person affected is unable to explain what happened to him or her, someone else with a medical background is necessary. The processes and understanding of how the brain works has not been fully documented yet. This means that there are various areas inside the head that may cause different reactions with different persons. Each injury is unique with only previous history to draw from and research to assist in resolving the matter.Several dissimilar medical concerns may arise when a traumatic brain injury is sustained. This could mean extensive surgery, additional medical procedures, medication and therapy for the body and mind. There are certain conditions that may occur after the surgeries have been completed that leave the victim with impairments that necessitate the use of long-term care until the matter has been either resolved or mitigated as best as possible. Impairments when coming from the brain could be observed in muscle movements, spasms and loss of motor function or when affecting the mind, the individual may have speech impediments, confusion and forgetfulness.
Trauma Facts for TBI
When affected by TBI, concussion may be the first sign that this injury has occurred during the accident. The consistency of the brain tissue may also matter in how the head has been harmed. Densities of the different grey or white matter of the brain could explain how certain portions are damages differently. Whiplash may cause TBI even if the head has not been hit on anything. While a medical expert witness is usually necessary in these cases, a biomechanical expert may explain the effects of forces on the brain through testing standard measuring and other analysis.The interactions of the neurons inside the brain may be harmed during an incident. This means that senses such as hearing, seeing and tasting may be damaged. The electro-chemical activity may have been altered during the accident. Because the brain knows sequence of patterns, it is often difficult to overcome when these have been changed through trauma. Additionally, movement, emotions, thoughts and cognition are all controlled by the brain. When an injury occurs inside the head, any number of these could be affected in detrimental ways. This means that the connections needed to remain inside the brain are broken, damaged and destroyed with only difficulty in resolution for some whose brains have the capacity to restructure these pathways.
Hiring an Expert Medical Witness for Traumatic Brain Injury Cases
Medical experts in the field of the brain have more knowledge and understanding of how these neurons and senses are affected by trauma to various areas of the brain. Because of this, they are capable of explaining in detail why the injuries lead to the victim being unable to hold down a job. This could be due to confusion, a loss of memory, a lack of forming new memories and many similar issues that arise. He or she may also explain how the extensive treatment and therapy require compensation in these incidents.Provided by
Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide legal advice as individual situations will differ and should be discussed with an expert and/or lawyer.