Medical Expert Witnesses Needed for Negligence in Hazardous Chemical Cases
Hazardous chemicals are both dangerous and lethal to humans when they come into contact with the skin or are inhaled. Some chemicals are such a risk to the health of a person that not having a breathing mask could lead to death quickly. There are many compounds that may be created which could harm someone, and numerous chemicals found in homes or buildings could lead to the same dangerous results.
It is important to seek a lawyer when confronted with injuries due to substances, but in many of these claims for compensation, an expert witness is needed to explain the situation and how the elements affect the victim.
Some accidents or left chemicals are due to negligence on the part of the person that was dealing with the substances. In some of these situations, the individual was working on a building or in mixing the chemicals for his or her job. When left unattended, the materials may cause harm to any that come across them. Injuries tend to affect the nose, throat, head and lungs of the person inhaling the substances. For skin contact, it is possible to experience burns or adverse reactions if the compounds seep into the skin too deep. If in contact with these dangers, it is important to seek a label that may have instructions on what to do. For those that have been harmed and cannot find any assistance, medical aid is often the best route. Healthcare should be sought immediately.
Chemicals to Avoid
Anything that may harm the person that may be in the vicinity of substances should be avoided as best as possible. However, some of these situations are unavoidable. If hydrochloric acid contacts skin, a burn is highly likely to occur within minutes. The person must take off any clothing affected by the substance and wash the skin with contact for at least fifteen minutes. This may lead to prevention of burns, but inhalation is also possible. Fresh air is needed immediately with medical care shortly after to avert potential internal injuries. Any acid should be avoided, but this one is particularly corrosive. It is also best to ensure combining bleach and ammonia. These become lethal when inhaled and just as dangerous to the skin. Because injuries are often severe, without seeking help from a physician, the victim may be left with scars.A variety of other chemical may be found in factories, industrial buildings and similar structures. It is when the substances have been left unattended or forgotten that negligence is often encountered where someone may become injured. These incidents are most often seen with employees or coworkers, but there are instances when a stranger or visiting person may inhale or come into skin contact with these exposed risks of danger. In some situations, the chemicals may be on the walls of a structure where someone leans on or falls into the hazard. These circumstances frequently lead to litigation for damages owed.
Experts in Toxic Chemicals
Many experts with toxic chemicals have worked at some point for the Environmental Protection Agency under scientists or medical experts. This also provides knowledge in risk assessments and identification of chemical dangers. Included information in this field of study is the risks of exposure to asbestos, skin conditions from substance contact, symptoms for body contact and inhalation indications. When combined with the training of a doctor or nurse, this type of professional has everything necessary to diagnose and treat chemical conditions and problems that may arise. Human health becomes a top priority after hazardous wastes and toxic spills are stopped or mitigated.The Need for Medical Expert in Chemical Incidents
Once chemicals have come into contact with the victim, it is often a matter of determining what to do, how to stop further injury and preventing further harm to others. If the expert is available during the incident, he or she is able to provide medical assistance. However, if this person is only hired for the case, his or her testimony is often detailed in the area of risks, injuries and how the negligence most likely came about. This may include a reconstruction of the accident and the actions taken that led to it. Working in conjunction with a lawyer, a medical expert with knowledge in chemical issues also understands how the negligent behavior occurs. In many instances, an employee accidentally caused the problem. In other situations, a company may have left the substances within reach or easy access to others that could lead to injuries. No matter the cause, the expert is invaluable in increased chances of success in a case.Provided by
Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide legal advice as individual situations will differ and should be discussed with an expert and/or lawyer.