Personal Injury Expert Witness Articles
Expert witnesses discuss their expertise with personal injury cases and how they can help lawyers win their case. Personal injury cases span a wide variety of cases, and each case requires a different specialized expert witness. Find out how some of these expert witnesses have assisted lawyers and how they may assist your case.
Use of Expert Witnesses in Football Head Injury Claims
There are several types of expert witnesses that may assist with a traumatic brain or head injury with a professional football player in either major leagues or minor leagues. These professionals usually must explain the injury, the reason the injury occurred or why the defendant is liable for damages such as with product defects or a lack of protection.
Read moreWhy Dangerous Substance Cases Need an Expert Witness
Dangerous substances have a variety of effects and hazards to those exposed to them. This could occur through inhalation, skin contact, ingestion and even burns through contact on clothing. To understand how these issues harm the victim and what consequences arise through these materials is important.
Read moreRole of the Accident Analysis Expert Witness
The goal of an expert witness is to provide detailed explanations, experience, analysis from an outside perspective and an overall capability in assisting the party that hired him or her. These persons are experts in a given field with extensive knowledge and expertise.
Read moreBiomechanics Expert Witness for Product Liability Claims
Product liability claims consume the courts when a single or several products cause injury to the consumers that purchase them, and an expert is often necessary to clear up confusion or connect liability to the correct party. These professionals may refute the claim when hired for the defending side or support the case when the plaintiff hires him or her for help.
Read moreBiomechanics Expert Witness in Slip and Fall Cases
A biomechanics expert may be needed when there is a slip and fall case to determine various factors related to the body, anatomy and how the human body has been harmed through these incidents. If the accident occurred at work, there are additional elements that may be involved such as negligence or intentional harm.
Read moreEssential Tips from an Expert Witness in a Slip, Trip and Fall Case
Injuries and cases of slips, trips and falls are prominent in certain industries and with the elderly. It is important to understand how to avoid these complications, and why those harmed in the process need certain compensation. Many slips and trips occur in building with floor hazards, but these may occur at home due to wires, carpets and obstacles.
Read moreWhat Does an Accident Reconstruction Expert Witness Do?
Expert witnesses that reconstruct an accident generally start with the evidence, factors of the case and other elements that help them understand the incident to recreate it through a timeline and for each action that occurred. By accomplishing this goal, the expert witness is able to explain to the judge or jury panel what happened and how.
Read moreExpert Witness in Personal Injury Cases
Many personal injury attorneys retain the services of an expert witness. These witnesses can provide detailed information that may help prove their side of the case. However, accident victims must determine whether the additional cost of hiring an expert will be justified.
Read moreExpert Witness Establishes a Link Between Conduct and Injury in Negligence Cases
Negligence cases often involve some form of negative conduct on behalf of a professional that may lead to the injury, and this then progresses through the courts for compensation. When the claim becomes complicated or confusing, the expert steps in to unravel the problem and explain certain elements and aspects for better clarification.
Read moreExpert Witness Provides Testimony in Recognizing Signs of Daycare Abuse
Some parents who believe that their caregiver has mistreated their child may sue the daycare center or caregiver for this poor treatment. An expert witness may be called to testify about the signs of daycare abuse and whether these signs existed in a particular case.
Read moreExpert Witness Explains Home Asbestos Exposure Liability
Cases of asbestos exposure may be complicated due to how long the material has been in the building, who put it there, why it was there and how the exposure occurred. This means that the responsible party for the claim may not exist any longer, or there could be more than one person or company accountable for the physical injury or damage to the home.
Read moreAlcohol Incidents Expert Witness
Alcohol affects individuals in different ways. However, this substance is one of the leading causes of accidents and personal injury cases outstripping various other incidents. Because of this, there are numerous experts in the field of alcohol as applied to cases and claims for compensation due to property damage and personal injury concerns that transpire in various manners and areas of the United States.
Read moreExpert Witness Testimony on Defective Product Factors
Defective products harm clients and customers alike and understanding the factors that lead to these incidents is important and also where the expert witness becomes invaluable in clearing up confusion and providing the necessary details. Through his or her testimony, it is possible to demonstrate to the courtroom why compensation is important and why the defendant is responsible.
Read moreExpert Witness: Assessing Liability in Horseback Riding Fall Cases
When someone has fallen from a horse while riding, the incident could have occurred due to improperly maintained equipment, inappropriate training of the animal or through a similar issue. When a claim for the injury arises, an expert witness is often necessary to explain and assess liability so that compensation claims are possible and understood better.
Read moreForensic Biomechanics - The Science of Injury Causation
Human injury is complicated. If we lived our lives inside a protective bubble then, one day experienced an incident, it may be relatively simple to ascribe any injuries to the traumatic event. But that is typically not the case.
Read moreProduct Liability Expert Witnesses Explain Defects that Cause Tip Overs
Defects in products are a serious problem when entire batches or the design are affected. This could means standard use of the item may lead to injury or even death. When the defect causes an object to tip over, this may cause catastrophic damage. These situations are exacerbated by certain factors and situations.
Read moreLitigation Cases Involving Violence in Restaurants
Did you know that restaurants are more likely to experience workplace violence than any other industry in America? In this article we will help you find out why restaurants are so prone to violence, what leads to violence, the practical steps to help make restaurants safe, and the insider information that you need when dealing with one of these legal matters.
Read moreBest Maintenance Practices Reduce Risk at Commercial Properties
Those of us who own or operate commercial properties (office, retail, apartment communities, industrial buildings, etc.) know that there is a direct correlation between proper maintenance procedures and the risk of physical injury. In other words, poor maintenance practices increase the likelihood that someone will be injured on our properties. Good maintenance reduces that risk.
Read moreExpert Witness Testimony in Defamation Cases
Defamation complications affect both standard persons and celebrities, and it is difficult to undo the damage simple words or print may cause to these individuals. When a defamation case is complicated and difficult to understand, an expert witness is hired to unravel the mystery and explain the relevant details to the courtroom.
Read moreGender Studies Expert Witness on Sexual Assault and Discrimination Cases
Sexual assault and sexual discrimination are rampant in the United States due to a lack of understanding of both genders and how these issues affect the targets. The attitudes and belief of what is considered assault and discrimination is severely confused, and this has led to even the most morally outstanding person confused about what these subjects mean.
Read moreAccounting Expert Witness: Economic Loses Due to a Wrongful Death
The wrongful death of a family member usually leads to lost services to a company and the surviving spouse and children of the individual. The economic and financial losses felt from the death are often complex with the need for an accounting expert witness to evaluate these situations to the fullest and provide a basis of the lost services.
Read moreExpert Witness: How Brain Death Affects Personal Injury Claims
Personal injury claims are difficult enough with an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer, but when the victim of the incident becomes brain dead, the problems multiply. Many are unsure what to do next, how this affects the case and what may be needed due to these severe consequences.
Read moreWhat Temperature Should Hot Water Be? The Legal Aspect
I am constantly asked in court "What is the ideal temperature of hot water."
Read moreHow to Handle Slips, Trips & Falls in a Restaurant or Bar
Are you a personal injury lawyer dealing with a case involving a slip, trip, or fall accident or injury at a restaurant or bar? I can help! As a Restaurant Expert Witness, I have more than 35+ years of experience in the industry and understand restaurant liability law.
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