Pain Management and Addiction Medicine Expert Witness
Comprehensive Pain Medicine
Suite 200
Pompano Beach, Florida 33064
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Comprehensive Pain Medicine medical director and CEO, Sanford M. Silverman, MD, has a private practice in Pompano Beach, Florida. His practice consists of interventional and medical treatment of chronic pain, opioid addiction, and currently has an interest in treating complex chronic pain with hyperalgesia. Dr. Silverman offers expert testimony in medical and interventional treatment of chronic pain. He also offers these services in the area of opioid addiction.
Areas of Expertise
- Prescription Drug Abuse
- Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)
- Shingles
- Spinal Injections
- Suboxone Treatment
- Substance Abuse
- Whiplash
Articles Published by Comprehensive Pain Medicine
Prescription Drug Abuse: In the US and Florida
According to the Broward County Commission on Substance Abuse, United Way, 2008, in 2007 there was a daily average of 9 lethal overdose reports in the state of Florida that involved the non-medical or illegal use of prescription medications , total of 3,317 fatal overdose reports, a 19% increase over the 2,780 fatal overdose from the previous year. According to DEA-ARCOS reports, Florida physicians dispense five times more oxycodone than the national average of dispensing physicians.
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Pain and Addiction
Pain and addiction can often co-exist. Approximately 33% of the population has tried illicit drugs, and about 6.5% actively abuse illicit drugs. Pain management and prescription drug addiction is a serious health crisis facing the world today. The author examines the disadvantages of this situation.
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