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Expert Witness in Use Of Force; Ballistics; Firearms/Ammunition Classifications and Operation

Curtis Marshall at Eagle Security Group

Curtis Marshall at Eagle Security Group

1380 Central Park Boulevard, Suite 202
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401
(540) 314-0731


► Contact Curtis Marshall at Eagle Security Group

Expert WitnessLitigation SupportSpeaker
Retired ATF Agent Curtis Marshall spent his career as a top-notch tactical instructor and firearms aficionado. Mr. Marshall has unmatched tactical training and instructional experience. As a member of the ATF Special Response Team (SRT), Mr. Marshall led and participated in apprehending the nation's most violent criminals. Mr. Marshall used his vast experience to instruct Federal, state, and local law enforcement officers in weapon deployment and use of force training. Mr. Marshall is a renowned use of force practitioner and instructor.

Mr. Marshall brings his unique skill set to the expert witness arena specializing in use of force and firearm related matters. He has been involved in numerous criminal and civil cases throughout the United States. As a consultant and in providing support in criminal and civil litigation support, Mr. Marshall is an invaluable resource to any client attorney. He has testified on many occasions as an ATF agent and expert and is very comfortable on the stand.

Mr. Marshall provides case consultation, investigative support, civil and criminal litigation support and expert witness testimony in the areas of: Use of Force Continuum to Include Less Lethal (Less Than Lethal), Excessive Force and Deadly Force, Reasonableness of Use of Force and Use of Electronic Control Devices (TASER); Operational Planning; Firearms and Ammunition to Include Firearms and Ammunition Classifications, Firearms Operation and Ballistics.


Mr. Marshall provides case consultation, investigative support, civil and criminal litigation support and expert witness testimony in the areas of: Use of Force Continuum to Include Less Lethal (Less Than Lethal), Excessive Force and Deadly Force, Reasonableness of Use of Force and Use of Electronic Control Devices (TASER); Operational Planning; Firearms and Ammunition to Include Firearms and Ammunition Classifications, Firearms Operation and Ballistics.

In addition to consultation, litigation support and expert witness work, Mr. Marshall provides consultation and commentary and serves as a keynote speaker and law enforcement expert for Eagle.

Litigation Support Services

We recommend obtaining legal counsel prior to retaining expert services. Initial consultation calls are provided at no charge. Please reach out to us for a copy of his CV or fee schedule or to set up a consultation call. Alternatively, please go to our website to complete a case intake form.

Areas of Expertise

Additional Expertise:

Use of Force Continuum to Include Less Lethal, Reasonableness of Use of Force and Use of Electronic Control Devices (TASER); Operational Planning; Violent Crimes; Ammunition Classification, Less Lethal, Firearms Classification, Firearms Operation.


Curtis Marshall's law enforcement career spanned 26 years and includes extensive tactical, operational, management, and instructional experience. His first six years were with the United States Park Police working patrol, motorcycle, and plainclothes assignments, participating in many high-profile events, public demonstrations, and escorts of the President of the United States and visiting heads of state. As a Special Agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) for the following two decades, he investigated armed drug trafficking organizations and individuals, served as the lead agent on several arson and bombing investigations, led violent crime investigative teams, and served in undercover capacities. Mr. Marshall deployed across the country for high-risk operations as a tactical paramedic and tactical operator with ATF's Special Response Team (SRT), supporting hundreds of investigations of violent organizations.

A certified and accomplished tactical instructor, he served as the primary use of force trainer for all division ATF Special Agents and state and local task force officers on the proper use of force involving firearms, less lethal equipment, electronic control devices (TASERs), and defensive tactics. As an adjunct instructor for the ATF National Academy, he taught trauma response, tactical movement, use of force, firearms, scenario-based training, and operational planning. Mr. Marshall served as a lead handgun instructor for the ATF Firearm Instructor training and conducted operational planning training for new supervisors. He reviewed division operational plans for every enforcement operation conducted, providing guidance related to personnel, location selection, equipment, tactics, diversions, and other risk management issues. He advised the ATF Special Operations Division on use of force policies and the annual Use of Force Training Curriculum.

Mr. Marshall has testified on many occasions as a police officer and an ATF agent before Federal Grand Juries and during trials, probable cause hearings, and sentencings. As a Senior Special Agent, Mr. Marshall provided expert witness testimony in state and Federal courts regarding firearms trafficking, firearms operation, and the interstate movement of firearms. He has received extensive training on firearms and ammunition and traveled to firearm and ammunition factories across the United States and abroad. He has examined thousands of firearms to determine make, model, caliber, operation, place of origin, and compliance with current laws, and has inspected thousands of rounds of ammunition to determine caliber, manufacturer, and legal classification. He frequently presented firearms educational seminars to a wide audience, to include members of Congress, state and Federal court personnel, prosecutors, defense attorneys, probation officers, state firearm examiners, state and local law enforcement, and medical examiners on topics including nomenclature, federal and state firearm and ammunition statutes, safe firearm operation, marking requirements, less lethal weapons, and ballistics. Mr. Marshall's international training experience includes provision of instruction on firearms and ammunition at the International Law Enforcement Academies (ILEA) in Budapest, Hungary and San Salvador, El Salvador.

After retirement from the government, Mr. Marshall served as the Vice President, Safety and Security, for the Colonial Downs Group, providing oversight of all security matters for a 300-acre horse track facility and six gaming locations in Virginia. He authored and implemented all current security policies and procedures for the company, ensured compliance with state regulatory agencies, conducted physical security assessments of properties, oversaw the security budget, and managed all outside service contracts. He supervised all security training for line security officers and site supervisors, well exceeding the state DCJS training requirements. Mr. Marshall frequently interacted with local and state government and public safety officials for new properties, day-to-day operations, and in preparation of large events of regional or national significance.

Mr. Marshall currently serves Eagle as a law enforcement consultant and provides case consultation, civil and criminal litigation support, investigative support, and expert witness testimony in the areas of: Use of Force Continuum to Include Less Lethal, Excessive Force and Deadly Force, Reasonableness of Use of Force and Use of Electronic Control Devices (TASER); Operational Planning; Firearms and Ammunition to Include Firearms and Ammunition Classifications, Firearms Operation and Ballistics.

Areas Served

All States and Abroad

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Legal Experience & Services

Mr. Marshall has testified on many occasions as a police officer and an ATF agent before Federal Grand Juries and during trials, probable cause hearings, and sentencings and is very comfortable on the stand. As a Senior Special Agent, Mr. Marshall provided expert witness testimony in state and Federal courts regarding firearms trafficking, firearms operation, and the interstate movement of firearms. He has received extensive training on firearms and ammunition and traveled to firearm and ammunition factories across the United States and abroad. He has examined thousands of firearms to determine make, model, caliber, operation, place of origin, and compliance with current laws, and has inspected thousands of rounds of ammunition to determine caliber, manufacturer, and legal classification. He frequently presented firearms educational seminars to a wide audience, to include members of Congress, state and Federal court personnel, prosecutors, defense attorneys, probation officers, state firearm examiners, state and local law enforcement, and medical examiners on topics including nomenclature, federal and state firearm and ammunition statutes, safe firearm operation, marking requirements, less lethal weapons, and ballistics.

Seminars & Training

Training Provided

Mr. Marshall has routinely provided presentations over the course of his ATF career and has been invited to present to numerous conferences and training symposiums including:

He served as the primary use of force trainer for all division ATF Special Agents and state and local task force officers on the proper use of force involving firearms, less lethal equipment, electronic control devices (TASERs), and defensive tactics. As an adjunct instructor for the ATF National Academy, he taught trauma response, tactical movement, use of force, firearms, scenario-based training, and operational planning. Mr. Marshall served as a lead handgun instructor for the ATF Firearm Instructor training and conducted operational planning training for new supervisors. He reviewed division operational plans for every enforcement operation conducted, providing guidance related to personnel, location selection, equipment, tactics, diversions, and other risk management issues. He advised the ATF Special Operations Division on use of force policies and the annual Use of Force Training Curriculum. . Mr. Marshall's international training experience includes provision of instruction on firearms and ammunition at the International Law Enforcement Academies (ILEA) in Budapest, Hungary and San Salvador, El Salvador.

Training Received

Mr. Marshall has received extensive training from the ATF throughout his career as shown below.

ATF Training

Attended ATF's Firearm Interstate Nexus, Ammunition Nexus, and Advanced Nexus training courses. Provided technical firearm instruction on the operation and ballistics of firearms to the U.S. Attorney's Office, U.S. District Court personnel, local prosecutors, state lab personnel, local police, the ATF Academy, and the International Law Enforcement Academies (ILEA) in Budapest and El Salvador, and the Virginia Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.


B.A. Environmental Science (1991)
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

Marine Corps University, Quantico, Virginia (2016-2017)
Marine Corps Command and Staff College, Master of Military Studies
• Joint, Inter-Agency, and Multi-National Operations
• Command and Control
• Significant Operational Planning Exercises
• Significant coursework on Ethics, Leadership, Organizational Dynamics, Military History, and International Affairs
• Preparation and defense of master's thesis on Firearms Trafficking Intelligence

FBI In-Service Training Received
2017 Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
2012 HUMINT Tradecraft for Managers
2012 Leadership Seminar for Front Line Managers
2001 WMD Hazmat Tactical Operations
2001 Investigating Child Abuse and Exploitation
2000 Indian Country Investigations
1998 Reid Technique of Interviewing

Other Training Received
2018 High Threat Security Overseas Seminar
2013 Indian Country Child and Infant Death Investigations
2009 Senior Management Institute for Police, Police Executive Research Forum, Session #42
2007 Seminar In Homicide Investigations
2007 Crime Scene Reconstruction and Cold Case Seminar
2004 Dignitary Protection, Small Unit Details
2001 Chief Executive Officer Seminar, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Please request a copy of Mr. Marshall's CV for a complete listing of qualifications, experience, assignments, education and more.

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