Correctional Facility Operations Expert Witness

Dr. Alix McLearen at Eagle Security Group
Suite 202
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401

► Contact Dr. Alix McLearen at Eagle Security Group
Expert WitnessForensic ExpertLitigation Support
Dr. McLearen is a prolific author and a leading voice on issues related to correctional, legal, and mental health topics within the United States prison system with emphasis on special populations. Her extensive experience built over decades of service within correctional institutions resulted in her appointment to lead the National Institute of Corrections. In this capacity, Dr. McLearen impacted public safety by shaping policy and practices across the 750,000 US correctional facilities workforce.
Dr. McLearen works with clients in the following areas of expertise: Correctional Facility Operations: Women, Gender, and Special Populations, Correctional Policy Development & Compliance, Mental Health Issues, Staffing and Employment Issues, Conditions of Confinement, Re-entry and Education.
Litigation Support Services
As a psychologist and executive for the BOP, testified in a variety of cases involving both staff and inmates as a management official and subject matter expert. In each of these cases, testified concerning the facts in the following matters:
• EEO/Personnel Actions
• Workplace Violence
• Gender Accommodations
Areas of Expertise
- Correctional Facilities
- Correctional Healthcare
- Forensic Psychology
- Gender Accommodations
- Jail Suicide
- Mental Health
- Psychology
- Workplace Violence
Dr. Alix McLearen is a distinguished licensed clinical psychologist that has testified before the United States Commission on Civil Rights and women's prison conditions, served as the Department of Justice's witness in the US v. Texas abortion case and represented the United States at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Corrections symposium in Tokyo, Japan. Dr. McLearen is a prolific author and a leading voice on issues related to correctional, legal, and mental health topics within the United States prison system with emphasis on special populations. Her extensive experience built over decades of service within correctional institutions resulted in her appointment to lead the National Institute of Corrections. In this capacity, Dr. McLearen impacted public safety by shaping policy and practices across the 750,000 US correctional facilities workforce.
Over her 20+ years with the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), Dr. McLearen held numerous positions of increasing responsibility. Notably, she developed and implemented the agency's first program for individuals with cognitive impairments and served as Chief Psychologist at the Federal Correctional Institution in Memphis, Tennessee. She was also among the agency's early experts on sexual dangerousness, playing a key role in the full implementation of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act.
In 2014, Dr. McLearen was named BOP's first National Administrator for Women and Special Populations. In this groundbreaking role, she provided training and oversight to all 122 federal facilities and 35,000 employees, addressing the needs of women, juveniles, persons with disabilities, veterans, and the aging and transgender populations. Concurrently, she served as the agency's Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Coordinator, developing national training and compliance standards to prevent sexual assault. Later, in leadership positions, Dr. McLearen oversaw agency reentry initiatives, including mental health services, education and religious programming, and over 200 halfway houses. She managed a nearly $1 billion budget, directed over 300 division staff, and was instrumental in advancing societal reentry practices, including developing a custom needs assessment tool.
Throughout her career, Dr. McLearen has been a passionate advocate for normalcy, access to treatment, and innovation in corrections. Her numerous achievements include providing free feminine hygiene products to all women in custody, introducing over 50 new treatment and education programs nationwide, developing staff training on trauma, gender, humanity, and safety in prisons, and launching both the agency's first veteran's unit and integrated treatment facilities. She also initiated the agency's collaborative workforce development programs, securing over $100 million for training and hiring justice-involved individuals and negotiated numerous agency policies to improve reintegration services.
More Information
Professional Experience
Consultant and Expert Witness for Eagle Security Group
Fredericksburg, VA
Delivers consultation, training and subject matter expertise to include investigative support, litigation support and expert witness testimony related to Correctional Facilities including: Prison and Jail Operations; Women, Gender and Special Populations; Mental Health Issues to Include Substance Use Treatment and Suicide; Policy Development and Compliance; Reentry and Education; Staffing and Employee Issues; and Conditions of Confinement Including Solitary Confinement.
2022- 2023
Chief Executive Officer/Director (Acting), National Institute of Corrections
Washington, DC
Appointed by the Attorney General of the United States to lead the only federal agency with a legislative mandate created to shape corrections across all portions of this branch of law enforcement. Developed and oversaw the creation and dissemination of expert guidance and training for leadership and line staff in jails/pretrial holding facilities, prisons and sentenced facilities, and community systems inclusive of probation, parole, and halfway houses. Led numerous networks of high-level constituents to share cutting edge corrections trends. Designed an interagency civil legal services pilot to evaluate the DOJ's first program focused on supporting the resolution of non-criminal barriers to reentry such as debt or child support. Created new vehicles for sharing correctional innovations in technology, special populations, and interventions.
2018- 2022
Assistant Director (Acting)/Senior Deputy Assistant Director, Reentry Services
Division, Federal BOP
Washington, DC
As a member of the senior leadership team for the largest federal law enforcement component, led all agency reentry work, ensuring access to rehabilitative services for incarcerated persons. Designed and oversaw the implementation of women's institution cultural assessments to improve the quality of prison operations. Spearheaded suicide prevention efforts for staff, leading to the successful implementation of both a new Employee Assistance Program and leadership-driven model of staff well-being. Led agency implementation of the First Step Act, resulting in the delivery of more than 85 structured programs for prisoners and negotiation and issuance of new policies compliant with the law. Directed agency work with transgender individuals, approving the first gender confirmation for a person in federal custody. Coordinated community transitions during the COVID Pandemic, resulting in the agency successfully implementing the CARES Act. Created and launched new mental health treatment, vocational, and education programs, including adding college courses for incarcerated people. Authored the Female Offender Manual, the agency's policy pertaining to the management of pregnant offenders. Implemented drug treatment services, including Medication Assisted Treatment impacting the health of thousands of prisoners with opioid and substance use histories. Worked regularly with White House staff and DOJ leadership on high priority directives associated with treatment access and stakeholder partnerships. Developed training for more than 35,000 staff on trauma, special populations, sexual assault, and rehabilitation. Led the agency's executive working group on addressing solitary confinement. Consulted with the White House and DOJ on proposed legislation affecting women in detention, such as The Violence Against Women Act.
2014- 2018 National Administrator, Women and Special Populations Branch and National PREA
Coordinator, Federal BOP
Washington, DC
Selected especially to build and implement the agency's first office focused solely on the needs of women, juveniles, veterans, and persons who are transgender, pregnant or a parent, or living with disabilities. Represented DOJ as a national expert on justice-involved women regularly in discussions with Congress and the White House, implemented the first policies and programs for them and was chosen to consult with attorneys on litigation involving women and special populations outside BOP. Directed agency work with the transgender population, including the creation of protocols for gender affirming treatments. Evaluated security-related agency policies, resulting in nationwide training to improve such procedures for individuals with special needs and developed...developed what? Awarded the highest honor for innovation following development of an entirely new model for operating facilities, resulting in the successful implementation of a women's treatment based prison that is gender-responsive and trauma-informed. Planned and hosted a large White House event focused on children of incarcerated parents and offender reentry. Appointed as agency's PREA Coordinator, developed the agency's first policy and compliance standards to address sexual assault in federal prisons and jails.
2010- 2014 Sex Offender Certification Psychologist, Federal BOP
Washington, DC
Chosen to assist in standing up the office responsible for assessing sexual dangerousness in compliance with the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act. Provided written and oral subject matter expertise, oversight, training, and consultation on male and female sexual offenders to over 35,000 staff, clinicians and managers in the field, executive staff/administration, and outside agencies, resulting in decreasing the release of sexually dangerous offenders into the community. Developed and implemented research protocols related to sex offenders and broader correctional and reentry issues to include dissemination of findings via national conference presentation and publications. Compiled and analyzed data on sexual offenders to inform national sex offender programming, reentry, and policy needs and make implementation modifications based on this information. Served in collateral capacities as the leader of a national future planning group that recommended steps for managing and measuring the institutional and reentry needs of the growing population of geriatric inmates and. As a staff mentor and recruiter, led junior staff into higher-level leadership positions.
2007- 2010
Chief Psychologist, Federal Correctional Institution, BOP
Memphis, TN
Oversaw and delivered comprehensive mental health services for a population of over 1,600 offenders, including violent and sexually deviant criminals in pretrial, medium, and minimum-security correctional facilities. Managed the prevention program and crisis intervention/emergency response protocol implementation and institution-wide training. Administered the local Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and provided counseling to law enforcement staff. Led the Affirmative Action Committee, ensuring recruitment and hiring practices properly conformed with legal and diversity requirements, including interviewing all new staff to ensure appropriate hiring decision-making for all disciplines. Chaired the Staff Workplace Violence panels and supervised the completion of risk assessments. Appointed as Sexually Abusive Behavior Prevention and Intervention Coordinator, chairing panels responding to incidents of reported sexual assault. Developed and delivered training locally, regionally, and nationally on mental health topics, sexual assault prevention (PREA), and management/leadership to improve agency standards. Collaborated with medical staff to provide psychopharmacological treatment to inmates and implemented a protocol to streamline this process.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Alabama State License
Legal Experience & Services
Testified in significant hearings to include:
2021 US v Texas 1:21-cv-796rp
Testified as a corrections witness in federal district court on the impact of a state law limiting abortion on women held in federal custody in both secure and community environments. Explained conditions of confinement in both settings, the duties of impacted staff, and the ways in which decisions about medical and other care are made.
2019 US Commission on Civil Rights: “Women in Prison: Seeking Justice Behind Bars”
Testified on behalf of the DOJ on a wide range of topics affecting incarcerated women. Information provided in my testimony was used to develop a report sent to the President recommending improvements to conditions of confinement for women.
Awards & Honors
Senior Executive Service Appointment, 2020
BOP Special Act Award, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2012, 2011
BOP Myrl E. Alexander National Award, 2018
BOP Supervisor of the Quarter, 2018
BOP Time Off Award, 2017, 2016, 2014
BOP Letter of Commendation, 2013
U.S. Attorney General's Special Commendation, 2013
BOP Sustained Superior Performance Award, 2011, 2010
Seminars & Training
Training and Presentations Provided
Sought after to both develop and deliver training to internal corrections employees as well as prosecutors, law enforcement communities and public safety officials both nationally and internationally, providing intensive hands-on instruction, seminars and training over the course of 20 years about a variety of topics such as gender in corrections, program development, management of difficult cases, trauma, reentry, and application of laws to the prison environment, including:
• Educated hundreds of federal judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, probations officers, and advocates about programs to inform sentencing decisions. During these sessions, delivered details about mental health conditions appropriate for various types of treatment, including sex offender and substance use interventions.
• Chosen to represent the US twice at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime's “Criminal Justice Forum for Asia and the Pacific.” Collaborated with heads of justice agencies representing more than 20 countries to identify best practices in both secure and community corrections settings. Presented on risk assessment in US prisons, partnership, programming and intervention, and women's services.
• Created agency plan for adopting a trauma-informed approach to prison management, then developed and delivered training on this topic for over 35,000 employees that has been in use for nearly a decade.
• Crafted comprehensive and multi-level training on women offenders, including the development of training for both line staff and executives used by the entire agency for many years
• Developed the BOP's needs assessment tool, “SPARC-13,” developed training to implement it agency-wide, and delivered training to all employees and senior colleagues on its use and applications. Briefed congress, DOJ, and external leaders and researchers about this
Developed and delivered numerous trainings and presentations to thousands of correctional workers within the BOP on the following subjects:
• First Step Act implementation
• Group treatment interventions and programs
• Managing female offenders
• Mental health treatment
• Physical and visual searches of members of special populations
• Reentry and rehabilitation
• Sex offender management
• Sexually Abusive Behavior and PREA
• Substance use treatment, including Medication Assisted Treatment
• Trauma-informed correctional care
Provided presentations, training and seminars to the following national or international agencies and organizations:
• Correctional Leader's Association
• Federal Judiciary
• Major County Sheriffs of America
• National Institute of Justice
• Small and Rural Law Enforcement Executives Association
• Singaporean Delegation
• United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
• US Attorneys
• US Probation
• US Sentencing Commission
Provided presentations, training and seminars at the following professional conferences or university colloquia:
• American Jail Association
• American Probation and Parole Association
• American Psychological Association
• American Psychology-Law Society
• Association of Female and Juvenile Offenders
• National Sheriff's Institute
• Yale University
Bartol, A. M., Bartol, C. R. (2015). Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Research and Application, Correctional Psychology in Adult Settings. Fourth Edition, pp. 430-433
Bickart, W., McLearen, A. M., Grady, M., & Stoler, K. (2019). A Descriptive Study of Psychosocial Characteristics and Offense Patterns in Females with Online Child Pornography Offenses. Psychiatry, Psychology, and Law 26(2), pp. 295-311.
Boyd, A. R., McLearen, A. M., Myer, R., & Denney, R. (2006). Detection of Deception. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press.
Clements, C. B., & McLearen, A. M. (2002). Research-Based Practice in Corrections: A Selective Review. T. Fagan and B. Ax (Eds.), Correctional Mental Health Handbook, pp. 273-302. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Cooper, V. G., McLearen, A. M., & Zapf, P. A. (2004). Dispositional Decisions with the Mentally Ill: Police Perceptions and Characteristics. Police Quarterly, 7(3), pp. 295-310.
Hooper, J. F., McLearen, A. M., & Barnett, M. (2005). The Structured Assessment of Treatment Completion for Insanity Acquittees. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 28(6), pp. 604-612.
Magaletta, P. R., Diamond, P. M., McLearen, A. M., & Denney R. (2010). Traumatic Brain Injuries in Correctional Populations: Understanding and Responding to an Important Need. In S. Stojkovik (Ed.) Managing Special Populations in Jails and Prisons, Volume II. Kingston, NJ: Civic Research Institute.
Magaletta, P. R., Faust, E., Bickart, W., & McLearen, A. M. (2014). Exploring Clinical and Personality Characteristics of Adult Male Internet Only Child Pornography Offenders. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
Magaletta, P.R., McLearen, A. M., Patry, M. (2008, August). Correctional Psychologists: Uniquely Qualified Professionals. Corrections Today 70(4), pp. 56-57, 60.
Magaletta, P. R., Patry, M. W., Gross, N.R., Butterfield, P.M., McLearen, A. M., Patterson, K. L., & Norcross, J. C. (2011). Clinical Practice in Corrections: Providing Service, Obtaining Experience. Psychological Services, 8(4), 343-355.
McLearen, A. M. (2013, March). Invited Article: Psychology and the National Institute of Justice. The Gavel.
McLearen, A. M. (2015). A diversified Career in Corrections. In C. and A. Bartol (Eds.). Introduction to Forensic Psychology. Sage: Washington, D.C.
McLearen, A. M., Bazerman, I. B., & Bracken, K. (2014). Sexual Offenders. In C. Pietz & C. Mattison (Eds.). Violent Offenders. Oxford University Press: New York, NY.
McLearen, A. M., Breshears, K., Mowell, D., & Leukefeld, K. (2021) A Room of Their Own: Progressive Prison Programs for Women. Corrections Today, Jan-Feb, 34-39.
McLearen, A. M., & Magaletta, P.R. (2010). The Broad Corrections Environment: Understanding the Need Of Diverse Inmate Populations. In T. Fagan and B. Ax (Eds.). Correctional Mental Health: From Theory to Best Practice.
McLearen, A. M., Pietz, C.A., & Denney, R.L. (2003). Evaluation of Psychological Damages. In W. O'Donoghue & E. Levensky (Eds.). Handbook of Forensic Psychology: A Resource for Mental Health and Legal Professionals (pp. 267-299). San Diego: Academic Press.
McLearen, A. M. & Ryba, N. L. (2003). Identification of Severe Mental Illness: Can Small Jails Comply with Detection Standards? Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 37(1), 25-40.
McLearen, A. M. & Zapf, P.A. (2007). The death penalty: A Review of Current and Historical Factors for Mental Health Professionals. In R. Ax & T. Fagan (Eds.). International Correctional Mental Health Handbook. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
Silva, M., Carlucci, M., Lyons, H., & McLearen, A. M. (under review). Disparities Related to Vulnerability for Recruitment of Adults into Commercial Sexual Exploitation. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Professional References
Available Upon Request
The University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL
Missouri State University
Springfield, MO
James Madison University
Harrisonburg, VA