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General and Forensic Psychiatrist - Expert Witness

Michael MacIntyre, M.D.

Michael MacIntyre, M.D.

Box 3342
Santa Monica, California 90292
(424) 272-7737


► Contact Michael MacIntyre, M.D.

Expert WitnessForensic ExpertLitigation Support
Dr. MacIntyre graduated with a B.S. from Duke University before receiving his M.D. from Ohio State University. He completed a residency in general psychology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. He completed a forensic psychiatric fellowship at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where he also serves as the fellowship's assistant program director.

Dr. MacIntyre has extensive experience with medicolegal and psycholegal evaluations. He has served the court panels of approved psychiatric experts for Los Angeles, Sonoma, and Fresno counties. He is a qualified medical examiner (QME) for the state of California and completes disability evaluations for the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System. Dr. MacIntyre has served as an expert for cases involving disability, workplace issues, psychic injury, and emotional distress. He has consulted as an expert in criminal cases for matters related to competency, mens rea issues, and mental state.

Dr. MacIntyre has published on a wide variety of issues including substance use, intoxication, PTSD, and aging and the relation to legally relevant behaviors. He has published on boundary crossings and the physician-patient relationship and serves as an Expert Reviewer for the California Medical Board. Additionally, Dr. MacIntyre has presented at national conferences and grand rounds on several topics related to forensic psychiatry.

Dr. MacIntyre is dual-board-certified in general and forensic psychiatry.


Michael MacIntyre, MD provides thorough, non-biased, and thoughtful opinions related to medicolegal and psycholegal questions.

Areas of Expertise

Additional Expertise:

PTSD Claims, Workplace Issues, Workplace Violence Risk Assessment and Mitigation, Civil Competencies, Conservatorship and Guardianship Evaluations, Capacity to Make Medical Decisions, Capacity to Make Financial Decisions, Evaluation of Psychiatric Expert Testimony (Frye and Daubert).


Dr. MacIntyre received his bachelor's degree from Duke University before graduating from The Ohio State University College of Medicine. He completed his psychiatry residency at The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City before completing his forensic psychiatry fellowship at UCLA.

He has published articles in multiple peer-reviewed journals, has co-authored a textbook chapter, has presented at Grand Rounds, and has written medical articles for ABC News.

Dr. MacIntyre practices clinical psychiatry with the Veterans Health Administration, where he uses both medications and therapy to treat his patients. He also holds a faculty appointment at UCLA where he is involved in the forensic psychiatry fellowship program.

Dr. MacIntyre offers thoughtful, evidence-based expert witness services. He accepts referrals for a variety of civil and criminal forensic evaluations and consultations locally and nationally.

Areas Served

All States, California - San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles.

Michael MacIntyre, M.D. in the Social Networks

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Professional Experience

General and forensic psychiatrist, Veteran Affairs Los Angeles Healthcare System
Medical Board of California (MBC) Expert Reviewer
Court panel psychiatrist for Los Angeles, Fresno, and Sonoma counties.
Qualified Medical Examiner (QME) for California
Assistant program director, UCLA forensic psychiatry fellowship


Medical License (California and New York)
Board certified by the ABPN in General and Forensic Psychiatry


Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at the
David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles

Assistant Program Director, UCLA Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship

Site Director, Veteran Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship,
University of California, Los Angeles


Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
ABPN Board Certified in Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry
California State Medical License
California Qualified Medical Examiner (QME)
Healthcare Ethics Consultant – Certified (HEC-C)

Awards & Honors

Herman D. Staples Award from the American Society of Adolescent Psychiatry (ASAP) April 2022
2015 Recipient, Ohio State Wexner Medical Center Department of Psychiatry Award for Outstanding Performance.
Two-time recipient of the Outstanding Academic Scholar Scholarship at the Ohio State University College of Medicine.
The Wexner Medical Center at the Ohio State University College of Medicine March 2014
Sponsorship to Ohio Psychiatric Physician Foundation Annual Update March 2014
Outstanding Academic Scholar Scholarship, The Ohio State University June 2013
P4 Summer Scholar Scholarship June 2012
Outstanding Academic Scholar Scholarship, The Ohio State University June 2012
Veterans Affairs Addiction Scholars Mini-Fellowship September 2021


Legal and Ethics Concerns of Psilocybin as Medicine
Stephanie M. Schonholz, Jacob M. Appel, Harold J. Bursztajn, Mohan Nair and Michael R. MacIntyre, Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online, December 2024

Teaching Artificial Intelligence from Conceptual Foundations: A Roadmap for Psychiatry Training Programs
Richard G. Cockerill, Michael R. MacIntyre & Carolyn Shima, Academic Psychiatry, September 2024

Jury Instructions for Insanity Verdict
Sarah Erdelyan and Michael MacIntyre, Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online, March 2024

Standards for Conditional Discharge Revocation
Jesse Li and Michael R. MacIntyre, Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online, March 2024

Dinardo v. Kohler: “No Felony Conviction Recovery” May Provide No Protection From Liability
Piyush P. Nayyar, MD and Michael R. MacIntyre, MD, AAPL Newsletter, Fall 2023

From posts to protection: Ethical considerations regarding forensic psychiatrists and a duty to warn based on social media
Michael R. MacIntyre, Alexander C. Sones, Jesse Li, William C. Darby, Robert Weinstock, Behavioral Sciences & the Law, February 2024

Ethical considerations for the use of artificial intelligence in medical decision-making capacity assessments
Michael R. MacIntyre, Richard G. Cockerill, Omar F. Mirza, and Jacob M. Appel, Psychiatry Research, October 2023

Ketamine and Psychedelics: The Journey From Magical Mystery to Informed Consent
Michael MacIntyre and Mohan Nair, Psychiatric Times, August 2023

Committee Perspectives: From Mentee to Mentor: Lifelong Teaching Requires Lifelong Learning
Michael MacIntyre, Deirdre O'Sullivan, and Emily Keram, AAPL Newsletter, Spring 2023

Committee Perspectives: Asylum Evaluations
Collin Shumate, Robert Polo, Matthew Motley, Mikel Matto, Michael MacIntyre, Jacob Appel, AAPL Newsletter, Spring 2023

In the Courts: Ethical and Legal Implications of Emerging Neuroscience Technologies Used for Forensic Purposes
W. Connor Darby, Michael MacIntyre, Richard G. Cockerill, Dustin B. Stephens, Robert Weinstock, and R. Ryan Darby, Ethics and Clinical Neuroinnovation, February 2023

Late-Onset Sex Offending and the Assessment of Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia (bvFTD)
Michael R. MacIntyre, Manish A. Fozdar and Mohan Nair, Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online, January 2023

Difficult Discussions – What to Do When Our Patients Disclose A Sexual Relationship with A Prior Provider
M. MacIntyre, Southern California Psychiatrist, June 2022

People v. Sanchez: Hearsay evidence and expert witness testimony
Vivian Alvarez-Toro, Michael R. MacIntyre, and Charles Scott, American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter, Winter 2022

Voluntary intoxication, homicide, and mens rea: Past, present, and future
M. MacIntyre, et al., Behavioral Sciences & the Law, April 2021

Physician, Protect Thyself: Why Psychiatrists Should Be Aware of Their Internet Presence and How to Protect Themselves
M. MacIntyre, J. Appel, The Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, April 2021

Legal and Ethics Considerations in Reporting Sexual Exploitation by Previous Providers
M. MacIntyre, J. Appel, Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online, June 2020

Safety preempted: When EMTALA and restraining orders collide
M. MacIntyre, J. Appel, American Journal of Emergency Medicine, September 2019

Articles as medical correspondent for ABC News, July 2018


Bachelor's - Duke University in Durham, NC
Medical degree - The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH
Psychiatry residency - The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, NY
Forensic psychiatry fellowship - UCLA in Los Angeles, CA

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