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Fire & Explosion Origin and Cause Expert Witnesses

Premier Claims Investigations, Inc.

5497 Teas Nursery Rd
Conroe, Texas 77304

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Premier Claims Investigations, Inc. offers expert fire origin and cause investigations. Explosion analysis expertise, file peer review analysis, arson fraud case investigation, and subrogation services relative to origin and cause issues is a forte. Pre-trial file review and assistance for counsel in taking depositions or trial testimony of experts is provided. Liability claims, subrogation demand response consultation services are provided. The firm's chief fire analyst is also a veteran speaker regarding NFPA 921 and various facets of the

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Articles Published by Premier Claims Investigations, Inc.

Link Major Fire Loss Investigation - A Fire Analyst's Perspective

This article discusses the "ins" and "outs" of fire loss investigation for the insurance industry discussing major fire loss investigation procedures - applicable also to smaller fire loss examinations. A focus upon preservation of subrogation potential and recovery is its major theme. A guiding document, NFPA 921, Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigation is discussed, as are the proper procedures when investigating a major fire loss. The author is a seasoned veteran in the field.

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